Wreath of Roses - Fenton
Fenton's Wreath of Roses pattern is found in stemmed bonbons, compotes, and punch sets.

Punch bowls can be found with three different interiors; plain, Vintage or Persian Medallion. Punch cups are found with either of the two patterned interiors but are not found with plain interiors.

In the first photo above, you can see the Persian Medallion pattern, in the center photo you can see a plain interior and the third photo shows a Vintage interior.

Punch sets are found in amethyst, blue, green and marigold regardless of the interior pattern.

The stemmed two handled bonbon and compote are shown above. Bonbons can be confused with Fenton's Rose Bouquet or Northwood's Basket of Roses (though Basket of Roses is not stemmed). Compotes do not have the center rose. Bonbons and compotes are found in the same four colors of amethyst, blue, green and marigold.