Inverted Feather - Cambridge
Inverted Feather is a Cambridge Nearcut pattern. It is shonw in old Cambridge catalogs as pattern No. 2651. Inverted Feather has a row of hobstars above columns of a vertical feather motif. There are quite a few shapes known, but only the cracker jar and parfait are seen with any frequency. Some pieces are signed Near Cut.

Pitchers and tumblers in the Inverted Feather pattern are extremely rare. There is one known marigold milk pitcher and a couple of marigold water pitchers. Amethyst pitchers are also known but very rare. John Britt reported six tumblers in marigold and a few more than that in green. Amethyst tumblers are also rare.

Here is a marigold punch set and six cups. Punch sets are also known in green but in either color, they would be rare.

The cracker jar is available in green and is the most available piece found in Inverted Feather.

Table set pieces rarely sell, so it is difficult to complete a full 4 piece set including a butterdish, a creamer, a sugar and a spooner. Above is an amethyst set but marigold is also found in table set pieces.

As rare as most pieces in this pattern are, this green bonbon, whimsied from the base of the cracker jar, is very rare. The parfait or compote is actually one of the more frequently seen pieces. It stands 5 1/2 inches tall and is only found in marigold. The 4 inch tall wine glass is also only found in marigold and is only found on occasion.